A gagner si vous avez de la chance :) mais dans le cas contraire vous aurez assurement fait une bonne action.
Cette banniere c'est celle brodée par Gigi Ries en compilant des modeles du designer americain Little House of Needlework.
Un travail exceptionnel par sa dimension et la qualité de sa composition.
Gigi Ries l'ayant genereusement proposée à cet effet, cette banniere fait l'objet d'une tombola au profit de l'UNICEF action Sud Soudan qui se tiendra lors de la Foir Fil à Nivelles le 28 septembre prochain.
Ce lot déjà remarquable sera completé par deux lots de fils nuancés ( la gamme cotons et la gamme soies ) offerts par Classic Colorsworks ( ex Crescent Colours).
Il faut pour participer de loin envoyer 5 euros sur le compte Paypal de Gigi ( jancaro@skynet.be ) en precisant ( c'est tres important pour une bonne gestion ) qu'il s'agit de votre participation à Unicef action 2014 famine au Soudan.
UNICEF ACTION FOR FAMINE IN SOUTH SUDAN THIS SUPERB BANNER OF COMBINED DESIGNS BY Little House Needleworks will be the object of a " tombola " at the annual Foir’fil show in Nivelles Belgium on 28 september. You have the possibility of taking part in the drawing of the winning ticket even if you are not present at the show and wherever you live in this wide world. The price of the ticket is 5 euros et payment can be done through paypal (family/friends so that Unicef gets the total of the sum)paypal email is jancaro@skynet.be It is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE TO ADD IN THE COMMENTS : UNICEF ACTION 2014 FOR THE FAMINE IN SOUTH SUDAN so that I can keep track without having headaches. http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/southsudan_74656.html As soon as your payment has been received I wil give you the number(s) of your ticket(s) and write your name on the back so that I can identify you if you are the winner and that you are absent at the drawing I will then put them in the tombola urn and on septtember 28th a photo will be taken of the winning ticket and of course the winner will be notified.The banner will be sent worldwide without postage costs Now for another surprise : Classic Colorworks (formerly Crescent Colors) has graciously given us two extra lots to add to the banner. One of a ring overdyed threads the other ring of silk threads Thankyou Ronny son of Diane of LHNeedleworks …..Just imagine winning this for just 5 euros . Good luck to all.! |